Coaching for Moms

For moms experiencing burnout, overwhelm, or guilt

It feels like you’ve lost yourself.

Motherhood demands so much of you: your time, your energy, your body, your spirit. And while you love your children more than anything in the world, you feel like you don’t have much more to give. After keeping all the plates spinning all day—kids, spouse, career—you fall onto the couch completely depleted, wondering how (or if) you’ll be able to do it all again tomorrow.

You pour so much into others, but your own cup is empty.

Maybe you feel…

  • Frustrated that no one seems to value or appreciate all that you do

  • Resentful of the freedom your partner has

  • Guilty for yelling or reacting in ways you’re not proud of

  • Burnt out from everything that’s required of you

  • Unsure of how to find time for self-care (or guilty when you actually do)

This is somewhere you can set down all of life’s other responsibilities and invest in you.

When you’re burnt out, it can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you need help with—you just know it’s something. This is an opportunity to share the things you’re feeling in a supportive, nonjudgmental setting, then gain new insight & skills that can actually begin to create change in your life beyond the coaching space.

Motherhood is a beautiful, wonderful journey, but it doesn’t have to be at the expense of what makes you “you.” I’m here to help you remove the judgments you’ve placed on yourself, support you in understanding yourself on a deeper level, and guide you to a renewed sense of self-care and self-compassion.

UNDERSTAND your triggers & stressors

EXTEND grace and compassion to yourself

PRIORITIZE sustainable self-care

COMBAT feelings of “mom guilt”

HEAL wounds from your own childhood

RECONNECT with your partner & kids

How does coaching for moms work?

If you feel like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood, coaching can help you find her again. That may mean some sessions are spent simply sharing what you’re struggling with and knowing you’re not alone in your struggles. Other times, it may mean examining more closely the ways in which your upbringing or past experiences are contributing to the burnout or overwhelm that you’re feeling today.

This process isn’t rigid. After discussing what’s brought you to coaching, we’ll look at where you want to go (and more importantly, how you want to feel). Then, we’ll map out how to get there. 

My experience in infant and early childhood mental health and child development means I support you with practical skills in communicating and interacting with your kids. But we’ll also go deeper than that, using tools such as mindfulness, EMDR, and guided imagery to help you tap into your inner power, strength, and identity that you may have lost touch with.

  • Moms experience burnout in unique ways. In general, it can be categorized as chronic stress or exhaustion related to your roles as caregiver, career woman, and/or partner or co-parent.

    Signs of burnout include:

    Feeling short-tempered, such as yelling more often

    Exhaustion or fatigue

    Feelings of guilt or shame

    Fantasizing about “escaping”

    Isolation from partner, friends, or family

    Disconnection from children

    Persistent anxiety or stress about the future

  • Absolutely. I understand the feeling of not knowing how to explain how you’re feeling. As your coach, I can help you flesh this out and begin naming what’s going on. Often, just that alone can be incredibly liberating.

  • Just the opposite, actually. The fact that you are here right now, thinking about seeking out help, already tells me that you are a good mother. We all need support sometimes, and there is absolutely no shame in asking for it!

You can’t pour from an empty cup.